Welcome to the Integrated Computational Materials Design (ICMD) Lab

About ICMD Lab

ICMD Lab is an interdisciplinary research lab in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Binghamton.

Our research vision is that the integration of physics-based and data-driven models will be indispensable for systematic process and materials design for advanced manufacturing processes in the near future.

Our research mission is to create and integrate novel computational tools (physics-based and data-driven) at different time- and length-scales to solve forward and inverse problems of Process-Structure-Property relationships. Current primary research topics include but not limited to:

  • Multiscale multiphysics modeling and simulation for metal additive manufacturing
  • Physics-informed machine learning
  • Optimization and uncertainty quantification
  • Process monitoring and control for digital twins in metal additive manufacturing

We are grateful for the funding from Binghamton University.


April 12, 2022

Dr. Liu receives one seed grant from Transdisciplinary Area of Excellence (TAE) at Binghamton University in a collaboration with Dr. Mir Jalil Razavi. Congrats!

March 28, 2022

Dr. Liu’s paper has been accepted for presentation at ASME IDETC/CIE2022 and inclusion in the conference proceedings!

March 21, 2022

Dr. Liu’s paper has been accepted for presentation at SME NAMRC 50 and inclusion in the conference proceedings through a Special issue of Manufacturing Letters!

January 1, 2022

Dr. Liu joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Binghamton University as an Assistant Professor in January 2022!

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